
ReBench comes with the rebench-denoise tool, which adjusts system settings to reduce the interference from the system that may influence benchmark results.

rebench-denoise is a command-line tool, and supports the --help argument for a brief overview of its options.

$ rebench-denoise --help 
usage: rebench-denoise [-h] [--version] [--json] [--without-nice] 

positional arguments:
  command              `minimize`|`restore`|`exec -- `: `minimize` sets system
                       to reduce noise. `restore` sets system to the assumed
                       original settings. `exec -- ` executes the given

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --version            show program's version number and exit
  --json               Output results as JSON for processing
  --without-nice       Don't try setting process niceness
  --without-shielding  Don't try shielding cores

ReBench will try to use rebench-denoise automatically. However, it may be used as a stand-alone tool manually as well.

The commands are minimize, restore, and exec.

The minimize command will configure the system for reliable performance and reduced interference. The restore command will set the system back to a state that is the presumed standard state. With exec, the arguments provided after a -- will be executed as a program. Depending on the settings, this will include nice -n-20 and the command to use core shielding.