ReBench is a command-line tool. In the following, we will discuss its usage.
The complete set of options can be displayed with the --help
$ rebench --help
Usage: rebench [options] <config> [exp_name] [e:$]* [s:$]* [m:$]*
config required argument, file containing the experiment to be executed
exp_name optional argument, the name of an experiment definition
from the config file
If not provided, the configured default_experiment is used.
If 'all' is given, all experiments will be executed.
e:$ filter experiments to only include the named executor, example: e:EXEC1 e:EXEC3
s:$ filter experiments to only include the named suite and possibly benchmark
example: s:Suite1 s:*:Bench3
t:$ filter experiments to only include the given tags, example: t:machine1 t:tagFoo
Configuration files provide the setup for experiments by defining benchmarks, benchmark suites, their parameters, and executors to execute them.
Basic Execution: Run Experiments¶
ReBench takes a given configuration file, executes the experiments and stores
the measurement results into the configured data file. Assuming a basic
configuration as seen in the README, the following command
line will execute all experiments and store the results in the
$ rebench example.conf
This basic execution can be customized in various ways as explained below.
Partial Execution: Run Some of the Experiments¶
Instead of executing the configured experiments, we can ask ReBench to only execute a subset of them, a specific experiment, only selected executors, suites, and benchmarks.
The configuration file allows us to select a
. But we can override this setting with the exp_name
parameter. Thus, the following will execute only the Example
$ rebench example.conf Example
We can further restrict what is executed.
To only execute the MyBin1
executor, we use:
$ rebench example.conf Example e:MyBin1
To further limit the execution, we can also select a specific benchmark from a suite:
$ rebench example.conf Example e:MyBin1 s:ExampleSuite:Bench1
The filters are applied on the set of runs identified by a configuration and
the chosen experiments. Thus, the above says to execute only MyBin1
, and no
other executor. For the resulting runs, we also want to execute only
in the ExampleSuite
. If we list additional executors, they are all
considered. Similarly, naming more benchmarks will include them all.
Further Options¶
ReBench supports a range of other options to control execution.
Quick Runs, Iterations, Invocations, Building¶
The configuration uses the notion of iteration and invocation to define how often an executor is started (invocation) and how many times a benchmark is executed in the same executor execution (iteration).
We can override this setting with the following parameters:
The number of times an executor is started to execute a run.
The number of times a benchmark is to be executed
within an executor execution.
-q, --quick Execute quickly. Identical with --iterations=1 --invocations=1
--setup-only Build all executors and suites, and run one benchmark for each executor.
This ensures executors and suites are built.
It Implies --iterations=1 --invocations=1.
-B, --without-building
Disables execution of build commands for executors and suites.
Discarding Data, Rerunning Experiments, and Faulty Runs¶
ReBench's normal execution mode will assume that it should accumulate all data until a complete data set is reached. This means, we can interrupt execution at any point and continue later and ReBench will continue where it left off.
Some times, we may want to update some experiments and discard old data:
-c, --clean Discard old data from the data file (configured in the run description).
-r, --rerun Rerun selected experiments, and discard old data from data file.
Runs may fail for a variety of reasons. A benchmark might be
buggy, the executor may be faulty or unavailable, or the run reaches the
To include all data generated for the benchmark until it failed,
we can use the -f
-f, --faulty Include results of faulty or failing runs
Execution Order¶
We may care for a different order for the benchmark execution. This could either be to get a quicker impression of the performance results, or possibly to account for the complexity of benchmarking and ensure that the order does not influence results.
For this purpose we use schedulers to determine the execution order.
execution order of benchmarks: batch, round-robin,
random [default: batch]
Prevent Execution to Verify Configuration¶
To check whether a configuration is correct, it can be useful to avoid execution altogether. For such testing or dry run, we have the following options:
-E, --no-execution Disables execution. It allows to verify the
configuration file and other parameters.
-p, --execution-plan Print execution plan. This outputs all executions
that would be performed, without executing them.
Continuous Performance Tracking¶
ReBench supports Codespeed and ReBenchDB as platforms for continuous performance tracking. To report data to such a setup, the configuration needs to have the corresponding details.
Additionally, Codespeed and ReBenchDB need details on the concrete execution:
--commit-id COMMIT_ID MANDATORY: when Codespeed reporting is used, the
commit-id has to be specified.
--environment ENVIRONMENT MANDATORY: name the machine on which the results are
--branch BRANCH The branch for which the results have to be recorded,
i.e., to which the commit belongs. Default: HEAD
--executable EXECUTABLE The executable name given to Codespeed. Default: The
name used for the executor.
--project PROJECT The project name given to Codespeed. Default: Value
given in the config file.
-I, --disable-inc-report Creates a final report at the end instead of reporting
-R, --disable-data-reporting Override the configuration and disable any reporting
to Codespeed and ReBenchDB.
--git-repo GIT_REPO Path to the git repository that contains the source of this experiment.
This is useful when the experiment is run from a different path
without the `.git` folder.